November 25, 2012 

ember our 12 1/2 years together, the beautiful home we created and the amazing blended family of 7 children that is the legacy of our love. I will remember the cold, crisp November day when we stood in our backyard, under the beautiful white chuppah he made, dressed in our wedding finest, amongst our children, family and friends and promised to love, honor and cherish each other through good times and bad, sickness and health, forsaking all others, until death do us part. We did honor our vows each and every day, loving each other amongst the trials of raising teens, running a business, jobs that came and went, the ever present water leaks that began the day we were married. We rode the waves of life hand in hand occasionally running from an unexpected high tide or rogue wave, but returning to the shore to view the sunset at the end of the day, knowing our life together was good, special, meaningful and blessed by the Universe. I love you so much Ron Weiler! Happy anniversary baby, you were my best friend, my partner, my lover and soulmate.
The weather on the morning of our wedding was shaping up after the torrents of rain we had experienced for days on end. The sky was clear with no threat of precipitation. It was cold though, crisp and cold like a beautiful Fall day. People were bustling about setting up tables and chairs, flowers adorned every nook and shelf space in the backyard. The Chuppah proudly made by Ron stood in the corner of the backyard awaiting our vows. The kids had the sense of impending change and excitement as they dressed in the rented tuxedos and special gown for the ceremony. Our guests arrived and took their place in the rows of chairs on our lawn. A magical harp began singing in the background, summoning my arrival on the ceremonial carpet.I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I was taking a huge leap marrying a man so very different than I. He was nearly 13 years my senior, a New Yorker and a Jew. We had so many things about us that were different, but those differences seemed to draw us in and make our curiosities grow. We were so interested in each others lives, upbringing and history that it was those differences that helped define our relationship. We always had our little saying "The Wonderful World of We". It was going to be he and I and our kids against the world. Nobody was going to get in between us. We had each others back and love would see us through anything.
We had written our vows, designed our rings and took a leap of faith right into each others arms. We were in love and everyone could see it. The ceremony was beautiful with the most spiritual and meaningful service conducted by a Rabbi.We danced and laughed and kissed every time we got near each other. Our love had a magnetism that drew us together passionately.
We ended the evening with my gift to Ron - a bottle of Camus XO Superior Cognac straight from France and a couple fine cigars. We sat in our wedding clothes sipping cognac and puffing on cigars stealing flirty glances and planning a very long life together.
Til death do us part.
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