Friday, January 18, 2013

Cleaning Up My Act


Today is 7 months since Ron died and I just got an email telling me that his memorial stone or grave marker is complete and has been placed.  It's now official, Ron is dead, buried and sealed into eternity with a bronze 16" X 24" slab reciting his vital information and the lasting words "A Man of Integrity Greatly Loved and Missed".  This is what he wanted on his gravestone - A MAN OF INTEGRITY.  He truly believed that was his greatest attribute.  Integrity is defined as "Doing the right thing, even when no one is looking".  That was Ron for sure with just about everything - but his health.

After Ron died, we had to clean out his car to get it ready to sell.  This was the task of his younger son, Steven.  I handed him a bag and he went off to do his deed.  Steven came back into the house saying "Are you ready to get pissed off??"  He had in his hands no less than 10 fast food bags and there were more in the car.  He had this look on his face like someone had slapped him.  It was difficult to watch as he tried to process what this meant.  Having the evidence that his father was still eating so much fast food and not attending to his dietary needs and restrictions was like being told his father committed suicide.  Now, nobody really thinks that by eating junk food they are going to drop dead one day, but for Ron along with major health problems and a family history that is exactly what happened.  It is not easy to look at the life of someone you love and see that they made so many poor choices, especially when so much of what Ron did was amazing, wonderful and giving.  He was what so many would call a happy, loving and generous man.  He made eveyone feel good around him and would laugh and joke and stump us with his library of facts and figures.  He was a wiz at math and could add a lengthy list of numbers in his head.  So many qualities that made him a man of great love and integrity, and now all that is lost forever.

I will visit my husband's grave and yell at him a bit (or a lot) and get really mad at him for making the choice to have a shorter life and be angry and stomp around a bit.  I will cry and scream for the loss of my love and partner.  I will caress his new grave marker and then I will pull myself together because I have work to do.  Today I begin the next phase of my Radical Shift and eliminate processed sugar, flour, gluten and dairy from my eating regimine.  I am cleaning up my act, my refrigerator and pantry.  Today starts a CLEAN FOOD ONLY regimine for me and my home.

For breakfast, I began with a clean shake of coconut water, almond milk, blueberries, raw cacao powder, 1/2 avocado, spinach/kale, a scoop of protein powder and a tsp of almond butter.  It was delicious and filling!  I am excited about this process of cleaning and cleansing my body.  I look forward to the benefits of not loading myself down with all the junk, wheat, sugar and other foods that do not provide me with energy and healthy satisfaction.

I am also working on shifting my 7 yr old daughter to a cleaner way of eating.  She LOVES her carbs!  Pasta, bread, ice cream, sweets oh my!  For lunch, I made her a clean sandwich of brown rice cake, almond butter a sprinkle of flax seeds and a little spread of almond/cacao butter.  She was THRILLED!  That along with her fat free yoghurt (She gets dairy as she is a child and not yet lactose intollerant), snow peas, hummus, berries, dried fruit, and her ice water.  To be honest, I usually pack her a healthy lunch, but now we are shifting to clean eating and trying to eliminate the wheat.

I am making a conscious choice to LIVE.  Not just live but live healthy.  I have a long ways to go but since I am declaring it here - I hope my new Village (that's YOU) will keep me accountable and keep me moving forward.  When I feel like sliding back to old ways, I will think to myself "How in the world am I going to explain THIS one on MOAMM?

I will close with my "I am " statement that I created years ago.  This is my power, my strength and my mantra.

I am a B-E-A UTIFUL, Strong, Intelligent, Courageous, Creative and Inspirational WOMAN!


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